Scuba and Freediving @ FIU

Over 100 members!


To Diving at fIU

diving at fiu

This is the club where if you love the ocean then you belong. Have trouble finding a dive buddy? Not sure on where the cool local spots are? or just want to come along on some of the beach clean ups? Look no further as this is the club for you.

Not just another dive club

Passion & Expertise

We know all the shore diving spots in the area.

New to diving?

We can set you up with awesome diving instructures and point you into the right direction to get in the water!

Easy on the wallet

Our club offers admission for free. This is about building a community, not money.


Any day on the water is better than in the office!

exploring what we do
  • Primary activities will be doing shore dives. Either snorkeling/free diving or with tanks scuba diving. There’s a TON of spots to shore dive from in the Southeastern part of Florida.
  • Beach clean ups! We want to keep the oceans as clean as possible. Getting as much plastics and garbage off the beaches near us does indeed help.
  • Other ocean related activities like surfing, underwater photography, etc.


"Every time I get a chance to be out in the ocean, it's like hitting a reset button for me where I just feel alive again, in perfect balance. Music can give me that, as well, but not as easily. The ocean is the way I know how to find it almost daily." -Jack Johnson